Homes on Acreage for Sale In Fort Collins CO

Homes on Acreage for Sale in Fort Collins CO are a popular choice for those seeking a bit of elbow room. Peace and quiet, and some distance from the neighbors, are frequent items on buyers' wish lists. Many of these homes offer the opportunity to raise some horses or other animals and provide a perfect place for kids to do 4-H projects. And these homes are more likely to provide expansive views than smaller, more crowded lots.

As you can see from the listings below, the Fort Collins area always has an excellent inventory of homes on acreage, offering a broad range of choices in price, locations, sizes, styles and features. A substantial portion will be identified as horse property, and many of those will have facilities in place such as barns, paddocks and pastures.

Homes on acreage tend to be more expensive than similar homes on city lots, and they also take a bit longer to sell. Also unlike city homes, they tend to exhibit more seasonality, with activity higher in the spring and summer than at other times of the year. If you're curious about market performance, we post regular market reports on Mary & Dick's Blog  - if you'd like to take a look at the latest, it is available at the bottom of this page.

The availability of homes on acreage for sale in Fort Collins CO varies constantly, so if you want to look for the perfect fit for your interests, let us help - we'll set up an on-going search especially for you, with your own customized web site - you'll be notified as soon as new listings are posted. And when you find a home worth a closer look, please give us a call - we'd be delighted to schedule a showing for you at your convenience.

We're here to help. Our expertise can make a big difference in successfully navigating the home buying process, particularly with acreage properties, which have some unique quirks. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any additional information.

Here is a sample of the homes currently available for sale. To see the complete list, click on "View All Results" at the bottom of the showcase.